Don’t Let the Sound of Your Own Wheels Drive You Crazy

Woo hoo – we made it to Amarillo! We kind of pushed ourselves and the cats in terms of our energy and it was a lot of driving, but I’m happy we got here – it will make the next few days a bit easier on our way to Columbus, OH – should get there sometime on Saturday and will stay with my friend Tracy, her husband Pakito and their daughter Katie – many of you know or have met them! It’s somehow fitting, since Tracy and also my friend Matt drove cross-country with me in the summer of ’93 when I moved to Vancouver, BC – the only other time I’ve done it.

Had a good breakfast at the restaurant next to the not so great motel in Holbrook, AZ. The owner was very nice and called us both “ladies” with no apparent problem. All along our route (40E), we’ve seen signs for Historic Route 66. I personally love the Depeche Mode version of that song.

Route 66 sign

In Albuquerque (never knew till this trip that there is a “u” after the b in Albuquerque!), we were worried about Nikkyo and Buster being dehydrated but they wouldn’t drink from a bowl of water we tried to give them. So we were able to squirt syringes (which we had to help them swallow the as-yet-unused-on-this-trip sedatives) of water in their mouths and that got them to sleeping the whole rest of the way.

Saw some pretty scenery in New Mexico:

New Mexico red rocks


New Mexico red rocks 2


Along the route, we encountered this sign at gas station/stores – it’s apparently very popular. At least it didn’t say “No Liberals.”

No Smokin

And this, going into Albuquerque, below. What I particularly love about this one is the use of quotation marks. My mom uses them a lot in her letters (which I will miss getting, now that I’m moving near her), much to my amusement.

anti-Obama poster on truck

Had to take a picture of a stuffed jackalope:


It was dark when we pulled into the way better, cleaner, lovelier, way more wonderful motel in Amarillo, but not before we got a shot of a beautiful Texas sunset:

Texas sunset

Had a great dinner from nearby Carino’s. Nikkyo and Buster took to the room as well, so well that Buster blended into the bedspread:

Buster on Texas bed

Nikkyo decided to siesta under the desk:

Nikkyo under Texas desk

Whew, it’s late – gotta crash, now that we are on Central time! A big hello from Lori too 🙂